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Home security system insurance discount in New Haven and additional ways to save with a modern smart home

November 21, 2022
Close up security home system app on a smartphone.

You’re already aware that home security systems are ideal for boosting your protection. They guard you from trouble with the latest technology like video cameras, smart locks, and alarms. With the right set up, you also get the perks of a monitoring team that has your back any time your alarm is set off.

The enhanced defense is outstanding but there’s an additional bonus as your smart home can even make a difference in your pocketbook. For starters, there’s savings on energy costs with home automation. And in many cases whole-home systems like the ones provided by Vivint may get you a home insurance discount.

Monitored home security installations are great for insurance discounts in New Haven

It’s true you may be able to get an insurance discount on your home security system in New Haven. The amount of the discount may vary greatly and is heavily influenced by two key factors - your insurer and the sort of devices you have installed. While a minimal, bare-bones alarm with one or two door or window sensors could get you a slight savings, there could be a possibility to increase your discount even more.

When you incorporate components such as surveillance, monitored safety alarms, and smart locks, you could get more of a financial benefit from your policy’s provider. If you want a more substantial discount, be sure to include 24-hour monitoring. When you include monitoring, you’re telling the insurer that someone is consistently overseeing your residence and ready to handle emergencies, regardless of whether you’re at home or away. To get specifics on your eligibility and how much you can save, touch base with your policy’s representative.

Home automation in New Haven offers additional savings

If you’re wondering if there’s other ways to cut expenses, consider home automation. Consider the benefit of having a smart thermostat that actually knows your normal routine and adjusts in correspondence. When you leave for the day, your thermostat can adjust automatically to help you conserve energy. Your smart lights may be set to work in a similar manner and light up as you walk into a room or deactivate as you leave. Over time, the decrease of your utility expenses could be substantial.

Complete systems from Vivint are simple to implement and can be configured during the install or completed at a later time through your centralized command center or cell phone app. In a short time you can program a responsive, fully integrated system.

Forget to turn off the lights? Access your system no matter where you are

Another means to cut utility bills is by accessing your system remotely. Even though your smart home has the ability to adjust on its own, you can also effortlessly control devices from your cell phone. If you neglect to dim the lights or adjust the thermostat in advance of departing, don’t fret. All you need to do is go into the Vivint app on your smartphone and make the desired adjustments. You can even activate or deactivate your system from wherever you are. Would you like to change how your home’s elements react? You may handle that from your mobile device as well.

Contact us for your own automated system in New Haven and let the savings begin

Interested in reducing expenses with a home security system insurance discount in New Haven? Talk to a Vivint specialist today to design a smart home with 24-7 monitoring that will lessen insurance premiums while raising your home’s security and versatility. Dial (203) 625-1716 or complete the form below to get started.